14 June 2010

HR Matters and Knowledge Management

Today, I met Rowena Morais, the editor of HR Matters

HR Matters is a magazine for human resource managers. It can also be an interesting read on leadership and motivational issues. The latest issue (April 2010) covered topics like 'The Power of Language' (to quote the writer Sandra Ford Walston: "Our words, body language and emotion form a triangle through which we interpret the world around us. If we change the interpretation, we can shift the resulting behaviour and the effect it has on our spirit and on our peers such as saying 'thank you' more often."). 

Rowena and I had a chat about knowledge management, which I've been very fascinated by because, in the hospitality industry, we have to ensure that all information from the top management gets communicated to the front desk and the other important associates who have the crucial role of welcoming our guests. 

The other topic I'm fascinated by: talent management. 

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