14 October 2010


Okonomiyaki basically means 'mix anything you like' (okono mi) and fry it.

I took my family to this new place called Haru Zen, located in IOI Boulevard. It is a Japanese restaurant, but it happens to have a big sign that says "okonomiyaki", which was one of the things that attracted me. It is non-halal and has several pork dishes; you can even have pork in an okonomiyaki.

We ordered at least five okonomiyakis and also some other dishes, like mixed seafood in aluminum foil, which is a new experience for me.

My son ordered the Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki, which had pork, cabbage, eggs and noodles fried in two layers.

The only setback to the okonomiyaki experience is that they don't really have the big frying pan that you can sit around, like those in Japan. The great food makes up for it though!

Below is a video of my son waiting impatiently his okonomiyaki. 

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