27 December 2010

Is perfection that important?

It was Christmas eve 2010 and I was having tea with a couple of friends at a restaurant in uptown after lunch hour. Obviously, we have chosen the wrong place, the Mid Valley Shopping Centre because the whole area was very jam. There were still a lot of last minute shoppers!

We were talking about my last article in the blog, "personal mission" and the ladies started to talk about perfection. One mentioned that her mission is to have a perfect husband, a perfect job and ideally a perfect make over.

We were all burst into laughter when I suggested her to find a bulldog, cos that will solve the hubby problem. Spent RM30K in Marie France for a total make over and be the mistress to a billionaire. Haha!

Well, is perfection really that important? I always believe that seeking perfection will do more harm than good. It is basically just an illusion or perception and yet we see a lot of singles out there still hoping to meet a perfect partner or job.

Most of the time we human beings didn't realise that even we are not perfect. So how to find a perfectionist? How to find a perfect job? Well, I also suggested that why don't we look at the matter in a different angle? Honestly, I never believe in perfection but betterment.

Analyse our current situation and plan for our immediate future. Can we see a betterment in our plan? Most of the time,  if you follow the right instinct, you will find a better-self. Once you achieved that, your perception will change towards the environment and who knows, out of the blue you may just find the Mr or Ms Right or the job that you are on is the right career?

A happy self is a perfect life.

Let's get back to reality. Strive for our future.


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