23 March 2012

Some local food in Beijing

Beijing is never a place for food as each time when I was in Beijing, my friends will definitely bring me to try the Peking duck. I still recalled last year I visited Beijing for 3 days and I had 6 proper meals of Peking ducks. In my last trip to Beijing, I actually told my friends that I wanted to skip the Peking duck, the Beijing style steamboats and the roasted or stewed goat stuffs. I would very much wanted to try the local Beijing food.

The first reaction was they couldn't treat a VIP with that kind of food. It's meant for the Public. Wow, that is what we wanted to try when we are in a new place, right! Finally, I managed to convince them to take me to try the "ordinary stuffs".

My view on Beijing food have changed since then!

 Fermented hot soya bean, with a piece of dough like "char kueh" and some salted fermented vegetable. It was really a fear factor! haha. I decided to try since a wanted it and it was "acceptable". Most importantly, I had no sign of food poisoning that night!
Well, you guys can skip this! Really for the poor and old Beijing people.

This is their simple fastfood style of breakfast. Pumpkin porridge with a rolled bun or plain porridge with char kueh. I enjoyed this simple breakfast.

Minced beancurd in goat oil. This is a typical dish in Beijing. Certain places do not use goat oil. I love this dish with goat oil. I believe, cantonese like me will never ever touch this beancurd. Haha! Well, I can accept it.

This is also fermented bean sticks like jelly and spicy cabbage, both are cold dishes . The cabbage is spicier than kimchi. I enjoyed both dishes.

This is a mixed vegetable pot. A bit salty and I believe this is good for rice or even porridge. I will call it a healthy pot!

I really enjoyed this hotpot. Perhaps the place was so cold cos it was winter. Stewed  black mountain goat. The skin was real good and the meat was so juicy and tender. I enjoyed this pot very much!

Stewed goat stomach in hotpot. Not too spicy and it was really a delicacy. We actually had a second helping of this dish.

The dried noodle in Beijing style. I don't like this. Quite tasteless and the texture of the noodle is not good. I still missed the wet noodle in Suzhou.

Anyway, I really enjoyed the simple dishes and daily diet of the local Beijing people. Worthed trying and didn't cost much at all! So happy hunting if you are bored with Peking duck. Haha!

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