02 September 2010

Are You a Climber or Connector?

A lot of people think that leadership is a race.

Leadership is relational as much as positional. 

I have an ex-colleague asking me a funny question when we met up. She has joined another ex-colleague in a different company, but I still love them as they are still my close friends.

When she addressed me as "boss" in front of her new boss (our ex-colleague), she said that he felt offended.

Isn't he is not better than me now?

When she told me that, I felt weird because we used to work closely together. Is there some kind of race which I am supposed to know, or ought to know?

I recalled my favourite guru, John Maxwell, who wrote in his book Leadership is Gold: Always be a connector and not just a climber.

Everyone wants to taste success, but success doesn't mean victory. If you just eliminate everyone in between to achieve your goal, you could win a battle but not the war.

Maxwell advised us to be a great connector in finding our way up. In doing so, we will have support from all levels as we position ourselves in the next.

We need to build bridges and not burn them.

Any thoughts?

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