16 December 2010

Solar Energy to light up a City

Recently a friend was with me discussing on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of plcs and we touched on the energy saving topic. He immediately showed me a video which he recorded at nite of a icon building in DeZhou, China. It was lited with Led lightings and more than 85% of the building is energised by solar power.

Most part of the city is lited by solar energy and claimed to be undertaking by this company, Humin Group. Being ignorant, I went to the internet and found out that DeZhou is one of the model city in the world as the future ecocity and the world solar congress was held in this place a coupled of months ago.

I really thought u can only see this in anime but never expect a place in China would have it done. Bravo to Humin Group! There is a video which u can see to believe.
Follow this link http://www.himin.com/english/

Malaysia really has a lot to catch up and I urged more plcs look into CSR programs truely!

I will dropby in my next visit to see this city.

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