28 July 2010

Are Malaysians Ready to Accept Radical Management?

What do you mean by Radical Management VS Traditional Management?

Let's hear it from the Radical Management guru, Steve Denning.


  1. Traditional Management looks (is?) similar to the education system we have.

  2. Radical is more on sharing and understanding the matter together collectively and move on. However, it is too good to be true in a lot of organisations.

  3. Hi Eddie, Thanks for posting this video. Are Malaysians ready for radical management? I will leave that question to you. The more important question is: will they have to deal with it? And I think that the answer to that is: yes! Because this way of managing is two- to four-times more productive than traditional management, it's coming is inevitable.

    My guess is that countries like Malaysia may have less emotional investment in doing things the way they have always been done in countries like the USA. So it may be that your firms have less emotional baggage to jettison.

    In any event, I hope that my video is stimulating some further thinking, as a prelude to my book which is being published in November 2010. More information at:

  4. Thanx Steve for the comment. A lot of times the Asian culture is different from the west and a lot of failure in the east is due to dictatorship of management. I have run thru' the mock up book and I find it very interesting and as such I wanted to share this with my colleagues and friends.

    I am looking forward to the book!
