02 July 2010

What is Talent Management?

I've been talking about Talent Management but I'm not sure how many of our associates understand the mechanism of the process. A lot of people misunderstand that the responsibility of Talent Management lies with certain people in the organization.

I strongly believe that Talent Management starts from the top, but it doesn't end there. It has to be a two-way process.

A proper plan has to be drawn up with clear directions that cascade to all associate levels. Associates, too, have to understand their own career path.

We want to see success in every associate. Certain designated captains will have to drive and manage the process. The (very transparent) path drawn up for each high-potential associate will help him or her grow to another level.

The captains then have to evaluate the succession planning, replacement planning, as well as retention planning.

It is a long and tedious process but I am confident that we have desire to get this going.

Meanwhile, I welcome comments from our associates who have their views to share on Talent Management!

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