19 September 2010

Chinese Calligraphy

A few days ago, a close friend of mine gave me an art piece -- Chinese calligraphy written by renowned calligrapher, Simon Liew. I was told that he specializes in ancient Chinese writing.

The wording says "chang sen", which means "success always". It was written with full strength in just one stroke. My friend presented me this gift because she thought I am a person who is determined to always outdo myself, never give up, and strive for success.

I feel honoured but I have to admit that I am not familiar with calligraphy at all. My lovely wife framed the gift for me. It also reminds me about how thankful I am for all my colleagues, who have worked hard with me. "Success always" should be granted to all of them!

For those who, like me, don't know much about Chinese calligraphy, I found this helpful website.

My thanks to my friend who presented this to me!

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