28 September 2010

Single Malt Whiskey LIQUEUR

On my last trip to Labuan, I discovered whiskey liqueur.

Normally I buy or drink wine liqueur. Port is also quite similar. However, I've not come across whiskey liqueur.

I bought a bottle as usual. I'm a single malt drinker so I chose Glenfiddich Malt Whiskey Liqueur. I also saw a nice bottle of Maccallan Whiskey Liqueur, but the shop owner recommended Glenfiddich. 

Whiskey Liqueur is smooth, not too sweet like other wine liqueur or port, and it has a honey-like finish. It reminds me of Yamazaki 12 years.

More info on Glenfiddich Malt Whiskey Liqueur here: http://www.scotchmaltwhisky.co.uk/glenfiddich-liqueur.htm

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