26 August 2010

Office Politics

Last week, I was busy traveling and didn't notice a few emails that came into my BlackBerry. By the time I read them and called my friend, it was late in the evening and I immediately sensed she was distressed.

Her colleague had been treating her like a sister, but when she resigned, a nasty email was dropped blaming my friend for her job lost while congratulating her on her new employment soon taking over her position. My friend and the ex-associate were from different departments. Even worse, the email was circulated to the top management. She was lost and speechless not knowing what to do next!

I just advised her "not to do anything". 

I empathize with her situation because I have also experienced backstabbing by colleagues or superiors in the past, without knowing what was going on. There are many nasty people out there!

This is a form of office politics. The best way to play office politics is not to play politics.

The truth will always prevail.

Have you encountered office politics before? What can we do to avoid it?

1 comment:

  1. I like this quote: "Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people."
